Useful Information

A Paris New York or Paris New York? Instead, we found a city of contrasts to the well-tempered personality.

Of course, the old-world charm and excitement of the New World are screened at the same fiber of the city, but it is the amalgam of cultures that gives Montreal its stamp so special.

Switching from one click to another world and take on the spot a privileged moment is the dream of the traveler on the lookout for the unexpected. Each district of the island has its own character, its appearance and its history, and could write his own documentary.

romantic Montreal, Montreal hyper-techno: versatility suits him perfectly. At once intimate and cosmopolitan, she is resolutely open to the world. Despite an assumed diversity, the inhabitants of the metropolis share a common value: the thirst to live and let live, and they do it very well.

A ride in the St. Denis Street is worth a thousand words. From the first rays of spring, outdoor patios are filled with a motley wildlife, happy to finally gorging sun like lizards sated.

In the city center, the streets are buzzing with shoppers eager to uncover new fashion trends. Before the Ogilvy Cyrille plays the spoon following a frenzied pace, as if all these faithful would be late for the last balance winter.

When summer heat intoxicates the city, Mount Royal explodes with rhythm and color. It is the appointment of drums. People come from everywhere to play, dance or just enjoy life.

The blend of flavors, customs, languages, cuisines infuses Montreal an aura of freshness and audacity that exists nowhere else. Come and see!